Thursday, August 20, 2009

Crop Club

I have my crop club Saturday and I thought I would film a few videos. The next few posts will deal with what I bring to a crop, the challenge for this month and will conclude with me showing you some of the cards I made/ packing up my scraproom for the Big Move! I hope you enjoy them!

I have only been to one crop since I started scrapbooking. The first time I went I had no idea what to bring. I had just watched a video that Kathryn had made on her life's a scrap beach blog. She showed how she makes page kits. I thought that was a great idea and made one for Nate's car mini album. It really helped.

I have double the trouble while packing because I am packing for me and my mother! We share a bunch of supplies and so trying to fit everything can be interesting to say the least. I remember thinking, "Wow, these people are going to think I am super crazy to be bringing so much stuff!" I was beyond wrong. We probably had the least amount of everyone and we were two people. They had a drop off area for goodness sake! Some ladies took 3 trips before they were done!

I didn't use much of what I brought but you never know! This time at crop I will be making We've moved cards. I think this will require less things than a mini album but you'll have to watch the video to see what I pack. P.S. Try not to make fun of my cherry PJ's!

1 comment:

  1. Well, I am completely interested now... what was in the "kit" or can you direct me to the video? Or better yet, how about a video of your "kit" that you are taking to the crop Saturday.
    Have a blast at the crop. I really should go to one. It would make me create some pages. I do mini albums a lot, but then I am slow about getting pics in them! Go figure.
